Student Demographics
Student Demographics
To compare school data, click on the school(s) name to hide it’s data on the chart.
*There are too few Asian, American Indian, Hispanic, Multiracial and White students
All schools in this cluster are economically disadvantaged.
Graduation Rates
To compare school data, click on the school(s) name to hide it’s data on the chart.
*There are too few Asian, American Indian, Hispanic, Multiracial and White students
Achievement Scores
Source: Georgia Milestones 2021-2022 Statewide Scores (GaDOE)
Student Discipline
To compare school data, click on the school(s) name to hide it’s data on the chart.
*The percentage of disciplinary infractions resulting in suspensionsÂ
*Percent of student population that had disciplinary infractions
Source: Governor’s Office of Student Achievement K-12 Discipline Dashboard (GOSA)