Equity in Education


Equity in Education Calls to Delay Vote on Atlanta Board of Education Proposed Literacy Policy


ATLANTA — On Monday, December 4, Equity in Education (EiE) contacted Atlanta Board of Education (BOE) members requesting to delay the Board’s vote on its proposed Literacy Policy at tonight’s School Board meeting. With 37% reading proficiency across the District, EiE applauds the Atlanta BOE for responding to the urgent needs of its students and families. However, after a review of the policy, Equity in Education is recommending voting be delayed until community input has been addressed regarding the inclusion of accountability measures. 


Equity in Education requests that the Board update and renew its Literacy Policy annually based on student data and relevant research. The Board does not have a current literacy policy and the administration has not released a literacy plan to the public since 2019, pre-COVID. This has left many in APS with no roadmap to success. While the Board recognizes that “illiteracy in the district is a public health crisis at epidemic levels”, the policy fails to mention how much funding will be allocated to addressing this crisis.  


It is important that the administration be required to have a literacy plan that includes all aspects of how the policy will be implemented, progress-monitored, and evaluated. Our community deserves accountability and transparency and a clear roadmap for success to ensure all schools are excellent. 


“The policy is a great start to ensuring students have equitable access to high-quality literacy instruction grounded in the science of reading. However, there is a need for accountability measures that require the administration to frequently update their literacy plan, and share with families and stakeholders how these policies will be implemented” said EiE’s Director of School Quality and Advocacy Tiffany Fick.


Equity in Education is committed to partnering with the Board on the Literacy Policy to ensure effective and equitable implementation for all students.


About Equity in Education

Equity in Education (EiE) exists to ensure equity is the foundation for every stakeholder in Atlanta so that all young people have access to a high-quality education and the opportunity to live full lives. We empower communities, advance equitable policies and invest in bold leaders.


For more information, contact Ikhlas Saleem by phone at (404) 814-7197 ext. 108 or by email at ikhlas@edequityatl.org

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