Equity in Education

Let’s pool our resources,
together as a unified village.

By the community. For the community.

Join the village.

If you are an Atlanta resident or business owner in Atlanta and can contribute at least $5/month, you can be part of the village. We all have a responsibility to make sure that public schools in Atlanta work for every child, not just the most privileged few.

What is a PAC?

During election season, some people pool their resources together and invest in something called a PAC. A PAC is a political action committee organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates.

About The Village Political Action Committee (PAC)

The Village PAC was founded to focused on one pillar: pooling our economic resources together to support bold leaders. The PAC gives ordinary citizens the ability to invest in candidates they choose and believe will be bold enough to get students the schools and community resources they need to live well in our city. The Village PAC is controlled by the community, meaning all subscribers can exercise decision-making power on how funds are spent.

Stay updated on the Village PAC

Stay informed and spread the word as we pool our resources together as a unified village.

Ban Out-Of-School Suspensions for K-5

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